Friday, January 21, 2011

I Did It!!!

Well, no, I didn't actually SHAVE it yet.

But I did go to and sign up to be a shavee.

I will not be participating at a pub.  An audience of 22-year-old St. Paddy's Day green-beer lightweights cheering me on doesn't quite mark the occasion with the lighthearted solemnity I'd imagined.  (I know, "lighthearted solemnity" is a contradiction in terms, but that's now I'm imagining this will feel.)  Instead, I'll be at Dell Children's Hospital on Saturday, March 19th at 10:00am, in the presence of some of the very kids I'll be helping.  All of that hair will be going to Locks of Love!

As of this writing (January 21st) there are 29 shavees registered.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that of this number, at least 5 are women.

Details, including a direct link to my donation webpage, are coming up next, so become a follower of this blog and stay updated!

To donate to St. Baldrick's in honor of Stephen, click HERE!
See the blog post on "Binary Voting" for details on how to vote for or against my head shave!

1 comment:

  1. A correction: The Fado Irish Pub Event will NOT take place on St. Patrick's Day. It will be held on March 12th at 9:00 am.

    I still think that the Dell Event is the more appropriate choice for myself -- and want to preemptively clarify that I meant no disrespect to anyone who chooses the pub. I spent many a year in (and behind) the bars!
