Thursday, February 17, 2011

St. Baldrick's FAQs

St. Baldrick's???  Never heard of 'em.  Are they legit?

Yes.  They're largely volunteer-driven, which might be why you haven't heard of them until now.

The lack of widespread advertising keeps their overhead costs low, meaning that the maximum amount of donor dollars can go to the important stuff -- the research grants!

They are an IRS accredited 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization, and are in good standing with the Better Business Bureau.

IRS letter
501(c)(3) accreditation
BBB charity page

How did you hear of them?

Word of mouth.  In fact, I wrote a blog post about that early on.  You can find it here.  I've been sitting on it for five years, waiting for the right time to get involved.  Now is that time.

Where does the money go?

St. Baldrick's funds are granted to some of the most brilliant childhood cancer research experts in the world to find cures and improve the quality of life for patients and survivors. The Foundation funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U.S. government.

St. Baldrick's financial details

Will my donation be tax-deductible?

Yes!  And if you are donating your time as a licensed barber, your time is tax-deductible as well!

I'd like to give, but money is tight right now.  How else can I help?
Every dollar makes a difference, and every dollar is appreciated.

If you are able to afford a small donation, ask your employer or HR department if they offer matching donations to double the amount you ultimately give.

Email a link to this page to your friends, family, and co-workers.  You never know who this cause might strike a chord with, and it costs you nothing.  Remember to use social media -- your Facebook account, your Twitter account, or however else you keep in touch.

Go to and see if there's an event scheduled near you.  There are plenty of ways you can volunteer your time, without shaving your head!

This page is under continuous construction -- have any questions about St. Baldrick's?  Ask away!  I'll get you an answer immediately.

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