Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Time to take a break from the heavy stuff again, as hopefully we'll be having some new readers join us in the next few days.  The mid-point of a cancer treatment is a tough spot to jump into a story for the first time. 

For those of you just joining us, welcome!  This is me with my brother Stephen (and my dad), probably around 1993.

The hubby and I have been staying up late cutting out hundreds of  little business cards we printed at Kinko's  (you know, because cutting them out yourself saves you $10... but takes up two hours of your life.  That's less than minimum wage, but I can watch The Daily Show in my sweats.  I feel like I broke even.)

Then we stapled them to the 150 St. Baldrick's flyers that came in the mail.

Each "shavee" is supposed to receive a welcome packet with a short stack of pamphlets, some fundraising tips, and a lapel pin.  I got my first packet a few days after I signed up.  Then a few days later, another.  After the third came, I called them to let them know that by some glitch, I'd gotten extras.  They told me that they'd looked into it, it wasn't widespread, it was just happening to me, and that they'd fixed the problem.

Then two more came!

So... if anyone wants to wear one of my spare lapel pins (I have three, after hubby and I each wear one), let me know.  I haven't checked my mail yet this week -- I'll let you all know when more become available.  :)

I've distributed the pamphlets at kiddo's preschool, with the wind ensemble I belong to, and plan to carry a few around "just to have" and distribute when the moment seems right.  I'm really trying hard not to be a heavy-handed solicitor.

Anyway.  On with the superficial post I'd planned for tonight:  BALD WOMEN!**

Or more specifically, bald famous women.  We'll start with the actresses who immediately come to mind:

Sigourney Weaver in Aliens 3.  Remind me to stay backlit around a functioning smoke machine if I find myself hairless.

Demi Moore, after G.I. Jane.  This is the reason I joined a gym last month.  I'd much rather have awesome defined shoulders, and avoid looking like a bowling pin with a face.

And the actresses whose "bald" phases are a little more obscure:

Cate Blanchett is amazing and talented, although I've never seen her movie "Heaven."  She looks a teensy bit like Hannibal Lecter here, though.  (Shudder.)

Ellen Page cut her teeth (and her hair) in the movie "Mouth to Mouth, " which is also on my to-see list now.

Samantha Morton in "Minority Report."  With that weirdo couch-jumping guy.

Mena Suvari, who shaved her head in a bid to get more serious "character" roles, instead of "pretty girl" roles.  I don't think it worked, as I haven't seen her bald on screen.  

Then there are the musicians:

Grace Jones, who terrifies me in nearly every photograph except for this one.

Sinead O'Connor, who shocked everyone with her shaved head, without being terrifying.

Melissa Etheridge, who "legitimately" lost her hair to cancer for a while -- and survived to keep rocking.

And last but not least, a couple models:

Eve Salvail.  Gorgeous.  And feeding a tiny tiger.  Aww.

And Kanye West's model girlfriend, Amber Rose.  Who just TODAY leaked her nude photos onto the internet.  How fortuitous!  And w-a-y more than I needed to see.  Stay classy.  (Image removed:  Too many skeevy people directed here as a result of "Amber Rose Nude" image searches.  Eww.)

By far, Natalie Portman is still my favorite.  I choose to look like her.

Totally adorable.  Be sure to tell me how much alike we look if I end up bald, okay?

I hope I succeed in lightening the mood a bit.  Next post:  Weekend Update!  See you on Friday.  (Maybe.)

*Thanks to Pam-cakes, for a reminder of something I shouldn't have forgotten.  :)

**I don't even know how to BEGIN getting license/permission to use these widely-available internet images.  If you own the rights to these photos, and want to demand that I remove them from my CHILDHOOD CANCER RESEARCH BLOG, please contact me, and I will remove them post-haste.  Have a lovely day!

To donate to St. Baldrick's in honor of Stephen, click HERE!
See the blog post on "Binary Voting" for details on how to vote for or against my head shave!  

1 comment:

  1. PS. you are still more beautiful than Natalie Portman...with or without hair. :)
